Summer School

The summer school will bring together scientists with the aim to generate business ideas in the domain of biomaterials. The number of seats is limited to 50 persons. The working language will be English.


What: Biomaterials

When: 7th - 11th October 2024

Where: Darmstadt, Wiesbaden, Gernsheim

Who: You are a young scientist (Master, PhD student or Post Doc) with a background in material sciences, molecular biology, biochemistry, synthetic biology, engineerd living materials, bioprinting or biomolecular engineering.

Working Language: English

About the program

A biomaterial is any matter, surface, or construct that interacts with biological systems. First generation biomaterials are naturally available, for example hair, catgut or wood. Technological advances produced second generation biomaterials, which include polymers and laboratory engineered materials that can be beneficially bioactive like silicone, metal alloys, or synthetic polymers such as polyglycolic acid (PGA). Biomaterials are used in medicine and in the meanwhile in all aspects of human life from nutrition using beer pomace or clean or biotechnologically produced meat, fungi as insulting material for houses and the applications are growing rapidly. Biomaterials are part of the University Excellence Cluster CoM2Life which focuses on "deep technology push" concepts to empower biomaterials research with the cutting-edge technologies of tomorrow. These advancements are expected to drive breakthroughs in medical research and personalized healthcare in the coming decades. Examples include feedback-regulated drug delivery devices for homeostatic regulation, tissue models that can replace animal testing, metabolic regulation systems for tumor immunotherapy, tissue repair, and the engineering of artificial organs.


Day 1: Idea stimulation workshop, Scientific talks, Get to know dinner

Day 2: Scientific and Industry talks, Idea stimulation workshop

Day 3: Business plan development and coaching Part 1

Day 4: Business plan development and coaching Part 2

Day 5: Pitch and ryon-founders Award Ceremony

And these are strong partners in our RMU network working within CoM2Life:


Project participants


Impressions from the last Summer School

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How to apply

The Summer School takes place several times a year
Make sure you fulfill this criteria
fas fa-check
You are a young scientist with focus on biology
fas fa-check
You have good english skills